The Soul Sanctuary

Our Mission is to restore harmony and balance on the planet, beginning within, then through relational fields, and finally through our connection to mother earth. 

Woman holding a rose by her womb

We Are Here To

Remember our true nature, 
Reclaim our womb and heart power,
Experience ecstatic bliss, and
Radiate the purity of our soul essence.

Our philosophy is grounded in three primary pillars:

Body Temple. Sacred Intimacy.  Devotional Leadership.

Reconnect to your body as a sacred vessel. Release stuck energy and trauma to return to wholeness. Feel safer in your body and in the world. Embody the purity of your soul essence.

Nurture deeper intimacy with self and others. Build more authentic and nourishing relationships. Practice the art of human relating through soul-centered principles.

Serve as an integrated being connected to your wholeness and the seat of your soul. Create heart coherence internally and within the fields you lead. Source your power through love, integrity, compassion and grace. Trust your oracular vision and wisdom.

Christine Mira Rose holding her hand on her heart and belly

Soul Sanctuary Values

Love is the foundation of the 4 pillars of Soul Sanctuary values.

Christine Mira Rose Circle Logo representing soul sanctuary value of honor self and other

Honor self & 0ther

Honor the experience of self and other, while holding love, compassion and empathy. Be authentic while communicating through the heart, with honesty and transparency.

Christine Mira Rose Circle Logo representing soul sanctuary value of harmony and peace

Harmony & peace

Create harmony and peace by coming into balance and aligning with your soul’s essence and truth. Through personal responsibilty, we reclaim our power and our lives.

Christine Mira Rose Circle Logo representing soul sanctuary value of integrity and coherence

Integrity & coherence

Align with the integrity of your heart and soul to create coherence and quantum living. Allow love to guide and serve as the compass for navigating life and relationships, through all aspects of your being.

Christine Mira Rose Circle Logo representing soul sanctuary value of safety and wholeness

Safety & wholeness

Find safety through embracing all parts of self and life. All worthy to be held, embraced and loved. Slow down to breathe, feel, see and hear, to be present with what is.

A group of woman being held by the roots of a tree

The Soul Sanctuary is for you if you are ready to:

  • Cultivate a deeper relationship with yourself and create more fulfilling relationships

  • Shift from the patriarchal paradigm, into your true feminine nature and power

  • Reclaim your truth, attune to the oracle of your womb, embrace your sensuality and pleasure, and activate your original voice

  • Build your capacity to channel energy through your body while maintaining stability and activating your life force 

  • Learn tools and practices for heart-centered, authentic relating

  • Understand your own soul’s archetypal energies and how they inform your mission on the planet

  • Reconnect to your body as a sacred temple and attune to nature’s rhythms and cycles

  • Be an emissary of love and live as an example of an embodied heart-centered leader with integrity, authenticity, vulnerability, compassion, grace and love

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Like the ocean, the native state of the feminine is to flow with great power.

- David Dedia

Dive Into Your Soul

Receive a free 30-minute discovery call, where we tap into your deepest heart desires.

Together we will explore your current challenges and/or opportunities, and create a high-level plan for your core desires to manifest.

Your journey to a more purposeful and passionate life awaits.